Warrenpoint Golf Club Supporting Charities
Pictured from left to right are Gareth McGleenon (Deputy Director), Nadia Duncan (Fundraising), Mr President Eugene Byrne, Mrs Mary Byrne and Jack Donnan (Regional Ambassador).
Mr President Eugene Byrne presented a cheque of £48340 to Chest, Heart and Stroke. This was the total sum raised by his 2-day charity event in August. Mr President Eugene was delighted with the total sum raised and wishes to thank all members, guests and sponsors who contributed so generously.
Pictured with Lady Captain Louise are Kate McCormack and Madge Keenan representing Newry Gateway and Charles and Mary Digney representing Group 93, Irish Pilgrimage Trust.
Lady Captain Louise Carr presented cheques of £2000 to both Newry Gateway and Group 93, Irish Pilgrimage Trust. This was the total sum raised on Lady Captain’s Day on 28th June. Lady Captain Louise was delighted with the total sum raised and wishes to thank all members and guests who contributed so generously to two charities which are very close to her heart. Both charities have expressed their appreciation of the generosity of members and friends.
Pictured is Club Captain Paddy Thornton presenting a cheque to Helen Brogan from Southern Area Hospice.
Captain Paddy Thornton would like to thank all members and guests for their generous donations to his chosen charity, Southern Area Hospice which have made this donation possible.
Pictured with Mr President Eugene is Katie McClean, a representative from the Huntington’s Disease Association N.I. Charity.
Mr President, Eugene Byrne, presents a cheque for £4,500 to his chosen Charity, Huntington’s Disease Association N.I. This total is the sum of all the generous donations received during his Week and on his Day of 1 June 2024. Mr President Eugene would like to express his sincere thanks to all Members and Guests who donated to this charity.
Pictured with our Lady President Theresa are Life & Time nurses, Deirdre Morgan and Theresa McKinley.
Our Lady President Theresa Browne presented a massive cheque for £2,250 to ‘Life & Time’ from all the generous donations received on her Lady President’s Day on 11 August 2023.
Life & Time provides an end of life care service for families in our local community. Thanks to all who supported this fantastic charity on LP Theresa’s special day.